Beginners Guide to Yoga Alliance Certification

What is the most important thing apart from having yoga teacher training? It is the certification that you are going with. Your yoga certification is going to play a major role in your life. Therefore, you should always spend quality time understanding it. In case you are short on time, you can read this article to know about the Yoga Alliance certification.
It covers topics of the Yoga Alliance, why you need to have the Yoga certification, and different types of Yoga Alliance certifications. So, without wasting a single second, make sure you read till the very end.
Yoga Alliance: A Brief Introduction
For a beginner, the Yoga Alliance is an international organization based in the USA. It is responsible for looking over the genuine distribution of yoga across the world.
Not just that, the Yoga Alliance offers credentials to yoga teachers and schools. Yoga teacher credentials are known as RYT and those offered to schools are termed as RYS.
Hence, the Yoga Alliance certification plays a crucial role for both a certified yoga teacher and school. Moreover, the Yoga Alliance also maintains an online directory to ensure yoga teachers get the most exposure.
The question arises – why do you need the Yoga certification? Get the answer to that in the following points.
Need For Yoga Alliance Certification
Better Exposure
Don’t you want better exposure? If yes, you should earn a Yoga Alliance certification. Having the certification makes you a member of the Yoga Alliance. Hence, you get the benefit of all the perks offered by the Yoga Alliance. Moreover, you even get listed in the online directory specially made for yoga teachers.
Get Hired Instantly
Do you want to struggle to find your first job as a yoga teacher? If not, you must go with the Yoga Alliance certification. The certification makes it easier for you to either get hired or become an assistant to a famous yoga master. In short, you won’t even be out of work as a certified yoga teacher.
Genuine Clients
Are you craving hard-working yoga students? Tired of students who are just passing time? If yes, the Yoga Alliance certification is just for you. Being listed on the online directory helps you get identified as the best yoga teacher in the locality. This helps you get familiar with the true yoga practitioners. It improves your ranking as a yoga teacher over time.
Access to Yoga Material
As a yoga teacher, the most important asset you should have is access to ancient yoga books. There will always be there to help you get answers to all the questions you have in your mind. So, with the certification, you are always in touch with the deepest and true essence of yoga. That is enough to make up your mind to join a Yoga Alliance certification.
Better Learning Experience
Learning has no end. However, the source from which you are learning plays a crucial role. Therefore, to ensure you learn from a genuine source, you should go with the Yoga Alliance certification. You practice yoga under the guidance of true and experienced yoga masters. Hence, you learn authentic yoga that enhances your value as a learner.
Guidance of Yoga Masters
A mentor is one of the most crucial things as a learner. Without a proper instructor at your side, you can fully concentrate on your training rather than jostling with your fears and confusion. That is what makes the Yoga Alliance certification a life-saver.
Diverse Forms of Yoga Alliance Certifications
RYT 200
You earn the RYT 200 certification after completing a 200-hour yoga teacher training course. This is a beginner-level Yoga Alliance certification.
RYT 300
One step ahead of the RYT 200 is the RYT 300. This helps you become a certified yoga teacher that makes you eligible to teach 300-hour YTT students.
RYT 500
The most advanced form of certification is the RYT 500. Having this makes you a yoga master and even makes you eligible to open a yoga center.
As you can see, the Yoga Alliance certification has numerous benefits that you shouldn’t overlook. Hence, you must join a yoga teacher training course and apply for the certification. Just make sure you join the right YTT program so that you feel connected with your training.
From making you a master of yoga to a public figure, the certification is going to bring the best in your life. So, always be consistent with your practice and reach your goal in no time.