Why Malawi Must Be In You Thinking For Your Next Vacation

Why Malawi Must Be In You Thinking For Your Next Vacation
Away from the fact that Malawi is one of the lowest countries in Africa, and directly on our land route through Africa, Malawi was a country I knew little about.
I ’ve met people who have traveled to Tanzania, South Africa, Namibia and all the other “ popular” African nations — but I ’ve noway met anyone who has been to Malawi.
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I knew I had to visit Malawi while we were dealing with Africa. We crossed the Chitipa border station from Zambia with veritably low prospects, and what we discovered shouldn’t be missed by anyone traveling through southern and eastern Africa.
Top Reasons Why You Must Go There
Malawi is a country of different geographies. From the rolling hills to the African plains and long denes, a visit to Malawi truly surprised me with everything it had to offer. Still, maybe the most notorious point of the country is Lake Malawi.
“ Lake Nyasa” (Malawi was formerly called Nyasaland when it was covered by British rule) is the ninth largest lake in the world and the alternate deepest lake in Africa, after Lake Tanganyika.
Top Reasons Why You Must Go There
The UNESCO World Heritage Site is 360 country miles long, and its props can be plant mixed with the landmass in Country, Mozambique and Tanzania.
Still, Malawi has the honor of taking over utmost of its lake. I was agitated to visit Lake Malawi. I ’ve heard of glistering, sparkling blue waters filled with innumerous species of fish.
Top Reasons Why You Must Go There
Dispensable to say, the first time I saw the beautiful lake I wasn’t dissatisfied. The water was clear clear and cool turquoise tones.
No time wasted, and Cameron and I seized a many snorkels and headed straight under the blue blue. We ’ve noway dived in a lake before,
Top Reasons Why You Must Go There
but Lake Malawi has over 1000 species of cichlids of all kinds of different colors so I knew I was going to see commodity! In addition to long cichlids, we also plant eel, killer and catfish in the lake!
. It’s the warm heart of Africa
making musketeers in Malawi
People then are known for book being the kindest in Africa. No bone is violent, utmost of the area is safe, and locals just walk around with a smile on their face.
friendly faces to Malawi
Children, teenagers, men, women, singes-they were each in a friendly mood and eager to sputter. I would say that in 100 cases when we met a Malawian, a handshake was incontinently extended towards us and a discussion replaced.
On the props of Lake Malawi
Malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world, but actually you would n’t suppose given everyone’s putatively positive views.
Rather of a look, we got swells, smiles and curious questions from the locals. The kiddies were some of the happiest we came across in Africa.
Top Reasons Why You Must Go There
In fact, my favorite memory from our visit to Malawi was when a group of four youthful girls approached me as I was walking and just holding my hand. They asked me my name and I told them it was “ Natasha”.
Curious faces
The girls, who may have been between three and five times old, said to each other “ NASHASHA”. They went back with me to where we stayed in the autumn.
They did n’t ask me for sweets or plutocrat like they asked us in the history, but they asked me for pens.
Top Reasons Why You Must Go There
We traveled around with the little scrapbooks and pens we gave to the academy children so I took them out of the auto and gave each of them a tablet with a pink, orange and grandiloquent pencil.
I told them I prayed them to study and do well in academy (not as if they understood me), and they goggled at me as if I had just given them a million bones.
Top Reasons Why You Must Go There
I left, and also they started running, smiling and chasing after me chanting “ NaShaSha,
The further we travel, the further we see that children without anything are the happiest in the world
Awful Livingstonia
A city innovated in the late 1800s by missionaries trying to escape malaria around the lake. Livingstonia was our highlight during our trip to Malawi and it’s surely worth exploring.
Livingstonia is 900 measures above the lake and is accessible by driving or hiking on dirt roads. Not wanting to burden dear Charlie presently and in hopeless need of a good walk we decided to take a walk to Livingstonia
Top Reasons Why You Must Go There
Of course, we weren’t original, didn’t know the short cuts, and wanted to take innumerous photos. We met a many other trippers who were also hiking,
but if that isn’t your thing you can hitch a lift on one of the original exchanges going up and down (we felt more confident on our bases given the state of the road).
Top Reasons Why You Must Go There
Once at the top callers can take in the stunning views, visit Manchewe Falls, and relish in the cool mountain air. The city of Livinstonia is also home to some emotional Scottish armature,
the beautiful Livingstonia Mission Church, and indeed a coffee shop.
Drag in Malawi
We plant good food choices around Lake Malawi. We plant fresh grilled fish, nsima, and relish. In Nkhata Bay we enjoyed a Thai eatery and an Indian joint.
We ate till our hearts disdain around the lake, but noway bothered about gaining weight.
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Soccer Game
There are so numerous ways to stay active in Malawi. All the conditioning make us feel so refreshed and rejuvenated after spending so long driving around Africa. Snorkeling, kayaking, stand up paddle boarding, and swimming is all on offer around Lake Malawi.
We plant the hikes around Northern Malawi fantastic as well. From hiking up to Livingstonia to wandering through Nyika National Park on a walking safari there’s plenitude to stay active within Malawi. Add that to the fact that the country is enough safe compared to its neighbors so indeed just walking around the thoroughfares is more popular than in other African nations.
The outsider in Malawi
For a country so central in Africa we were a bit surprised to find so many trippers in the country. Actually, noway mind, I’m not really that surprised. We knew Malawi was n’t a popular African destination and that’s what drew us to the country indeed more.
Malawi is bitsy so most excursionists either overlook the country or pass through giving it two to three days on their way going north or south on the Cape to Cairo route.
Top Reasons Why You Must Go There
During our three weeks in Malawi, we met the only sprinkle of other trippers. I indeed got surprised when I saw other mzungu at points! (Swahili for white people) Numerous of the nonnatives we encountered in the country were in fact there for a long- term NGO design or working in the country.
Lost in Malawi
Malawi is bitsy so numerous excursionists overlook the country or pass through giving it a day or two on their way along the Cape to Cairo route.
During our three weeks in Malawi, we met only a sprinkle of other trippers. We indeed got surprised when we saw other mzungus at points! (Swahili for white people)
Top Reasons Why You Must Go There
Numerous of the nonnatives we encountered in the country were in fact there for a long- term NGO design or working in the country.
I ’m not sure I should indeed be writing this post and letting others know how stupendous Malawi is because a little part of me wants to keep it to myself
I promise you a paradise without the crowds that wo n’t fail you.
General Info For Visiting Malawi
Utmost ethnicities now need a visa before they can enter Malawi. We got one on appearance for$ 75 USD paid for in cash only.
New USD notes are gold in Malawi. The banks don’t take old currency so if paying with bones most businesses will only accept fairly new notes. At the border, we were told we had to pay with bones newer than 2013. When we tried to pay for lodges and food inside the country businesses would n’t accept any notes before 2006.
ATM’s are readily available in major municipalities. We were limited to pulling our Kwacha per sale.
Still, but still want to see Malawi check out some of these Malawi tenures, If you ’re not important of a motorist.
The sanctioned languages of Malawi are English and Chichewa. We got by fine with English just about everyplace.
We went to Lake Malawi despite the slight threat of Bilharzia.
If tone- driving anticipate a plethora of police roadblocks throughout the country. The police generally just asked us where we were heading and sometimes asked to see the paperwork. We noway endured any bribery, but did get a ticket for 6000 Kwacha after the shelf
Malaria is a big threat in Malawi. Cerebral malaria (the most dangerous species) is current in the country pater take specifics, spot nonentity repellents and sleep cover with a mosquito net all the time.