Health and Fitness

Whom To Visit For Sexual Problems In Men in India?

Any problem that hampers your sexual activity comes under sexual problems. Men and women are both involved in sexual activity. A woman visits a gynaecologist for any problem in the reproductive organ, the vagina and uterus.

For all the sexual problems in men, visit the best sexologist near you. He is a specialized doctor in treating all kinds of men’s hormonal and other physical problems that cause interference in sexual behaviour.

People always get confused between an andrologist, urologist and sexologist, and their specialization. Infertility problems, urinary problems, or any problem that involves reproductive organs comes under the comprehensive medical study “urology”.

This blog aims to help our readers find the right doctor for men suffering from sexual problems like ED, testes problems, nightfall problems, premature ejaculation problems, dhat syndrome, porn addiction, and more.

Sexual problems in Men

Sexual problems lead to dissatisfied sexual life. Sex is important for every living being. The main purpose of involving in physical intimacy is to either reproduce or to find pleasure. The sexual activity comprises 3 stages: Desire, Arousal, and orgasm.

When a man faces any issues at any stage said above, he fails to enjoy sexual intimacy with his partner. The dissatisfied sex leads to mental depression, weakness, and distressed relationships. Hence it is important to understand the complete process of consummating and identify the real cause of sexual problems.

Sexual Problems At Sexual Desire Stage

The sexual desire stage refers to a desperate urge to have a physical connection with someone else. Normally, the partner is of the same-sex or opposite sex. In the absence of a partner, people do masturbate, which means indulging in self-touch to meet the sexual desire.

Problems to identify at desire stage 

  • There is no sexual desire at all
  • Any Paraphilliac disorder and the sexual desire is with some unnatural thing.
  • An uncontrollable desire

Causes of sexual problems at desired stages 

The following causes can be the reason of unnatural and no desire for intimacy

  • Low libido
  • Low testosterone level
  • Nightfall problems
  • Porn addiction
  • Masturbate addiction
  • Paraphilic disorder

Whom to visit

Sexologists in India are specialized and qualified to provide medication, therapies, and counseling sessions to treat sexual problems in men while having sexual desires. 

Sexual Problems At Arousal Stage

When a man advances with his desire towards his partner and gets a consenting response, sexual activity begins. A woman feels the wetness in her vagina while a man experiences erection. Penile arousal or erection is necessary to have penetration of the penis in the vagina.

Problems to identify at Arousal stage 

  • No erection or erection is not maintained for more than 1 minute
  • There is any painful erection
  • If the erection sustain for more than 4 hours

Causes of sexual problems at arousal stage

The sexual problem at the arousal stage is basically when there is no proper blood flow in the penile region. The following causes can be the reason of improper blood flow and no erection

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Impotence
  • Injury in the penile region
  • Weak pelvic muscles
  • The growing age of men
  • Relationship problem
  • Chain-smoking or too much drinking
  • Diabetes, blood pressure for obesity

Whom to visit

If the ED problem is due to injury in the penis or any disease like prostate cancer, visit an andrologist. A sexologist in India can well treat all other problems. 

Sexual Problems At Orgasm Stage

When the pleasure is at its maximum and starts falling, it’s the stage of climax or orgasm. Both men and women ejaculate cum after orgasm. Orgasm happens while consummating with a different sex partner, or same-sex partner, or even while masturbating.

Problems to identify at Orgasm stage 

  • The ejaculation happens very soon
  • No control over ejaculation
  • Pain while ejaculating
  • Ccontinuous orgasm
  • Delayed ejaculation

Causes of sexual problems at Orgasm stages 

The following causes can be the reason of the ejaculation problem

  • Premature ejaculation
  • Retrograde ejaculation
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Wet dreams
  • Performance anxiety
  • Weak pelvic bones
  • Testes problems
  • Foreskin problems

Whom to visit

Sexologists in India are specialized and qualified to provide medication, therapies, and counselling sessions to treat sexual problems in men, while having an orgasm. 

Takeaway Of The Blog

Taking treatment from the right doctor will not only help in getting effective treatment but will also save your time and cost. Urology is the main medicine study about the male reproductive organ and urinary tract.

A urologist is qualified to prescribe you medicine for male infertility, sexual problems, testes problems, urinary problems, and any sexual problems.

A sexologist is a branched-out specialization that understands the psychological and physical causes of sexual problems and is the most appropriate person to deal with it.

Andrologist is another branch out specialization from the urology stream that is appropriate for penile enlargement surgery or any other problem related to the penis.

After reading this blog, we hope you will instantly decide on whom to call for online or offline consultation for sexual problems.

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