Things About Swimming That Will Surprise You

Swimming is a full-body workout that will give you a stronger body with lifeguard training and a healthier heart. Even, swimming can make you smarter, improve your mental health, and improve your lung capacity.
Improve Mental Health
Swimming is one of the few sports that requires you to put your phone in a locker. You can’t actually use Instagram or Facebook in the pool, so it can take your mind time away from the constant digital stimulation.
“A lot of people say they feel more relaxed and less stressed just by being in the water.”
“Regular exercise helps reduce anxiety and depression because it releases ‘feel-good’ hormones and keeps our brains functioning in a healthy way.
Research has found that swimming With Lifeguard Training is as effective as yoga in reducing anxiety and stress.
Helps Relieve Menstrual Pain
Swimming with Lifeguard Training can be a beneficial exercise for anyone with MS because the buoyancy of the water supports the muscles of the limbs, thereby helping to support them during exercise. One study looked at pain levels in MS patients who were swimmers and those who didn’t. During the 20-week swimming program, those who swam experienced less pain than those who did not swim.
It Increases Your Muscle Mass
To stay healthy, 19- to 64-year-olds should get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity per week, or they can switch to swimming, which can be shortened to 75 minutes.
Compared to other bodybuilding exercises, swimming fitness is easy – just speed up and the point is that due to the resistance of the water, we can strengthen the whole body or specific parts.
Less Burden on The Body
If you find that you need to put in a lot of extra force to support and strengthen the movement of your body moving back and forth. Or have knee or ankle problems, then exercising in the water might be a good idea.
While running or biking usually burns more calories than swimming, swimming with Lifeguard Training maintains your heart rate without stressing your body.
Runners will apply 5-10 times their body weight through the hips, ankles and knees. But the resistance of water can hold you back naturally, it can reduce up to 90% of your body weight, this can reduce 90% of stress and the impact on your joints, muscles and bones is huge!
Help Sleep
Research shows that swimming = cardio. Aerobic exercise is considered a good medicine for improving nighttime sleep.
Regular swimming exercise with Lifeguard Training, combined with good sleep, can improve sleep quality, mood, and quality of life.
Variety of Swimming Styles
Different from other forms of exercise, swimming has many possible variations, such as: breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, etc., and different swimming styles can keep us fresh in motion. Also, when changing swimming styles, just changing your stroke will change muscle movement.
Breaststroke: Although a bit slower, it is the best way to exercise the whole body, especially the back and chest muscles of the upper body, while increasing and improving cardiovascular fitness. If that’s not enough, kicks on the legs work the thigh and calf muscles.
Short (Freestyle): The vertical pivot swimming position, the quick stroke of the stroke, and the easiest for most people to master, adjusts your upper body. Use the deltoids, which are the muscles in our shoulders, the sides of our backs, the triceps and biceps in our arms.