HOW TO TAKE CARE OF YOUR HAIR BETWEEN BLEACHING SESSIONS | How long should I wait to bleach my hair again

Bleaching your hair can cause it to dry out and become brittle and How long should I wait to bleach my hair again. When you’re in between bleaching sessions, it’s important to take good care of your hair to preserve its health and shine—so, here are some tips on how to take care of your hair between bleaching sessions! Use these handy tips after bleaching your hair or if you want to keep your hair healthy and soft before bleaching it.
How to bleach your hair often and have it look great? It can seem daunting, especially if you
have not done it before. Luckily, plenty of other people have done this and you can benefit
from their wisdom. This guide on how to bleach your hair will help you with everything from
choosing the right color and toner for your hair type to maintaining healthy hair between
bleaching sessions so that your color lasts as long as possible! This guide covers everything
you need to know about how to take care of your hair between bleaching sessions so that
you get the best results possible without burning out your color or your scalp!
Preparing Your Scalp
Prepare your scalp for bleaching by applying a deep-conditioning mask before you bleach it.
This will reduce any potential redness or irritation, which can be brought on by bleach or hair
dye. Lather it onto your scalp as you would with a shampoo. Give it time to sink in, and then
rinse it out before you begin your bleaching session.
Always make sure to patch test any product you put on your scalp before using it; sensitivity
is always possible, even with all-natural products like Moroccan oil, jojoba oil, and argan oil.
The best way to do that is to apply small drops of product near your ears first. If there are no
adverse reactions within three days (such as skin flaking), move forward with full application
on your scalp.
Preparing The Hair
Before you start bleaching your hair, you must make sure it’s healthy and conditioned. Part
of the preparation is to wash it with a clarifying shampoo to remove dirt, buildup, and other
factors that could affect how your hair takes color. Use a moisturizing conditioner to maintain
softness and avoid frizziness in between bleaching sessions.
Blow-dry or air-dry your hair after washing to reduce any knots or tangles. Leave out any
extensions until after you dye your hair since they won’t take color correctly until they are
removed. Consult a professional before putting any chemical into your hair unless you know
what you’re doing; it is especially important to go to someone who knows their way around
bleach if you plan on using it at home.
Make sure all dyes have been rinsed thoroughly from your hair before starting over. Many
products will strip color when mixed, so be careful not to use them by accident!
Advice On Using Shampoos
To give your hair a break and limit your exposure to harsh chemicals, it’s best to use
shampoo between bleaching sessions. Shampoos are gentler than treatments meant for hair
lightening, and they can also be useful in removing lingering yellow tones caused by
previous bleaching sessions. If you plan on going lighter again soon, skip washing with a
shampoo altogether—just use a water-based conditioner to keep things hydrated between
coloring sessions.
It’s important not to confuse shampoos with clarifying shampoos. Unlike sulfate-free
shampoos, clarifying ones do have some harsh ingredients. Many people use them regularly
in an attempt to remove the build-up of styling products and environmental contaminants that
may affect color lift; however, their effects can make dying your hair more difficult over time.
To work effectively, clarifying shampoos need to contain alcohol or sodium lauryl sulfate
(SLS), both known skin irritants. For daily maintenance or when switching from one hue to
another, avoid these harsher formulas and go for less abrasive alternatives instead. For
example, instead of using SLS-laden detergent or dish soap like Dawn dish soap at home,
opt for milder liquid castile soap—the kind made from plant oils rather than petroleum or
animal fats.
Advice On Using Conditioners
Keep your color looking vibrant for longer by using a conditioner every time you wash your
hair. Make sure to use one that’s only for color-treated hair and that has a seal of approval
from experts (like Pravana). Follow it up with an antioxidant serum, which helps preserve
your new hue as long as possible. If you want to go even more hardcore, there are even
bleaching kits that can be done at home and come with instructions on how to properly use
One thing to remember is that bleach removes pigment from colored hair—not just darker
colors. Lightening lighter strands results in orange or yellow tones, so if you are trying to
lighten certain pieces for color contrast but not remove all pigmentation, it may not have an
effect since lifting lighter locks affects those colors too.
Advice On Maintaining Color And Shine
As you can probably imagine, bleach dries out hair and fades color. When it comes to
maintaining your color and shine between bleaching sessions, conditioning is key. It’s not
just about using a deep conditioner once a week either. One of your biggest allies in terms of
keeping moisture in hair shafts is oil.
You don’t have to go crazy with it; after shampooing, simply massage about a teaspoon of
oil like argan or coconut into your damp tresses (keep them away from your scalp if you
have oily hair). Then use another tablespoon or so for styling. Keep up these steps for
healthy-looking locks every day and don’t be afraid to use heat tools too much.
Now that you have your hair all bleached out, what are you going to do when it starts to grow
out? If you aren’t sure what to do, consider your options before and during each stage of
growth. Here are a few things you can try if it grows too fast for your liking, pull into braids or
pigtails; if you simply don’t like how healthy and full your hair looks after growth, bleach
again; if you love how silky smooth growing out bleached hair feels but need a little more
color than roots will provide, color on top or tips; always condition for stronger strands. The
possibilities are endless!
Try some of these methods and let us know how they work for you. Thanks for reading!