There are many different sorts of laser procedures that you can encounter if you’re thinking about laser aesthetic treatment Singapore. Although they share some qualities, each laser treatments in Singapore produces a different result.
A laser is a source of high-energy light with a single wavelength (one color). It can be precisely focused to transfer the light onto a very small area to produce the desired effects.
Because they are monochromatic, lasers only produce light at a single wavelength.
When performing cosmetic operations at the best laser pigmentation removal Singapore, lasers control the frequency of light (photo) to generate heat (Thermos) in the precise region that will be eliminated. This approach is known as selective phot thermolysis (lysis).
Whether the target is a brown patch, broken red capillaries, or another skin problem, lasers create a light beam whose wavelength matches the color of the target.
Different lasers used for cosmetic procedures:
Lasers are used to remove undesirable tattoos and hair as well as cure several aesthetic skin issues like wrinkles, acne, and scars. Lasers have distinct light-emitting wavelengths and can be ablative or non-ablative. What conditions may be addressed depends on the laser’s properties.
Numerous laser type categories, hundreds of variants, and brand names are included in these two fundamental lasers.
The primary distinction between each type of laser is its wavelength, and the appropriate laser is selected to treat different skin conditions. Because of this, your surgeon can advise combining multiple additional lasers to solve all of your potential issues.
Wrinkles and fine lines:
An aggressive ablative laser, such as a CO2 (carbon dioxide) laser or Erbium laser, can be utilized to perform both skin tightening and skin resurfacing operations simultaneously to address lines and wrinkles. In laser-assisted surgery, the CO2 laser is also used to cut the skin, remove skin tags, and eradicate warts.
Along with less harsh non-laser light-based therapies like intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) and light-emitting diode (LED) photo facials, pulsed dye lasers have also shown some promise.
Tightening the skin:
Because cosmetic laser operations generate controlled skin damage that promotes enhanced collagen formation, they usually result in at least some degree of superficial tightening. However, CO2 lasers are the preferred laser for far tighter results.
Additionally, non-laser light-based therapies have been effective. Examples include Thermae radiofrequency-based systems and Titan infrared devices.
Pigmented lesions:
Pulsed dye lasers are most frequently used to treat pigmented lesions, including age spots, melasma, sunspots, and other types of hyperpigmentation.
Nd: YAG lasers, fractional CO2 lasers, and non-laser light-based therapies like IPL are all examples of lasers.
Vascular Conditions:
Vascular lesions include birthmarks like port-wine stains, ruptured blood vessels on the face, unattractive spider veins on the legs, spider nevi, and unsightly spider veins.
IPL is a popular treatment option for certain skin abnormalities since it is less invasive.
Tattoo removal:
In addition to IPL, the Q-switched laser, and Nd: YAG are still popular tattoo removal techniques.
Unwanted hair:
The color of the skin and the kind of hair being treated have a significant impact on the effectiveness and safety of laser hair removal.
Nd: YAG and diode lasers are frequently the lasers of choice for persons with a darker complexion. While IPL has shown promise for people with lighter skin.
Acne Scars and Acne:
The CO2 laser is still the best option for more severe acne scars. Erbium: YAG, fractional lasers, and certain non-ablative lasers have all shown great promise in treating superficial acne scars. Active acne may be effectively treated using LED technology.