Hand painted Ceramic Pottery Plates

The art of making pottery originated thousands of years ago, but even today people are showing increased interest in it. It is hard to imagine a house without at least one clay plate. Such items today serve not only for serving food and table setting, but are also a luxurious decoration of any interior. In a mirror cabinet, placed on elegant tables, wooden cabinets, hanging shelves or fireplaces.
Modern hand-painted ceramic tiles or plates are amazing with all sorts of interesting details and prints. Masters appreciated this natural material and learned how to make real masterpieces from it. True connoisseurs tend to buy a treasured decorative plate so that it is the pride of their collection.
Benefits of pottery.
Ceramics Gallery handmade products are environmentally friendly, because they are made from natural red clay, which is non-toxic, does not interact with food and does not contain harmful impurities and chemical additives. It is safe for health and suitable for absolutely everyone, including allergy sufferers, children, pregnant women.
Burnt clay is convenient and practical. It is durable – the main thing is to protect it from strong impacts, drops and sudden temperature changes, in order to avoid cracks. The food glaze coating is scratch-resistant, does not absorb moisture and excess odors. Glazed products are suitable for washing by hand and in dishwashers without the use of abrasive products.
Due to the porous structure, the dishes maintain the temperature of the dish for a long time, prolong its freshness, preserve the benefits of the ingredients, endow it with special taste and aroma. In addition, food on clay dishes and plates looks more attractive and pleasing to the eye, helping to solve the problem of poor appetite even in a child.
Since ancient times, some magical properties attributed to this kitchen utensil. She brings peace and harmony in the family, inspires and gives positive emotions, takes away negativity and energizes a person.
In our online store you will find an acceptable ratio of prices and impeccable quality. Each item keeps a piece of the soul and warmth of the author’s hands, contributing to a cozy atmosphere and turning eating into a delightful ritual.
Ceramic plates abound in a variety of shapes and sizes for the most demanding customer: flat, shallow and deep; round, oval, rectangular and square; big and small; with handles and without them; smooth and textured; with a smooth, wavy and any fancy edge. The color scheme is varied and unusual. Hand-painted in different techniques (overglaze paint, engobe, “wet”) and applied both inside and outside the item. The plates have a wide range of uses – in addition to traditional food, for example, it would be appropriate to serve game or Japanese dishes in them.
Fruits and vegetables, pastries and desserts, salads and hot dishes are served on a ceramic dish. They are usually placed in the center of the table, attracting the eyes of guests and relatives. Dishes are from raw materials of various shades and covered with transparent glazes or colored enamels. They have a flat or embossed surface.