Behavioral and Emotional Disorders in Children

Behavioral and emotional disorders are more common in early childhood, it includes conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Children’s health is very valuable for the parents while discussing childhood disorders. We must consider that early childhood behavior or emotional disorders are termed developmental or learning disorders.
The conditions are usually diagnosed during infancy or early childhood and developed throughout adolescence. These conditions set a pattern of the negative behavior of a child, which can cause several complications like anxiety, stress, hyperactivity, and other emotional and behavioral changes. For more details, you should read at best therapists in Cleveland.
Behavior and Emotional Disorders:
There are various types of Behaviour and Emotional disorders, some of them are described below:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder:
ADHD affects children’s mental health at a very young age. In this disorder, the child faces issues in paying attention, staying still, and controlling impulsive behavior. Studies show that the average age when the symptoms of ADHD typically appear is between 3-6 years.
The typical symptoms of ADHD consist of
- Inattentiveness
- Hyperactivity
- Impulsiveness
Causes of ADHD in children:
There are several reasons behind ADHD, Genetics is the one significant factor that causes ADHD in children. Besides genetics, the structure and functioning of the brain also play a role in developing ADHD.
Researchers suggest the disproportion of neurotransmitters in the brain also causes ADHD.
While it is observed that a child having ADHD has certain areas of the brain that may be small while other areas may be larger as compared with the child with no symptoms of ADHD. Exposure to the metals like lead, premature birth, and low birth weight are some of the other possible causes of ADHD in children.
Treatment of ADHD:
Treatment of ADHD can be done with stimulant and non-stimulant drugs, but the possibility of having negative side-effects which may affect the physical or mental activity of the child.
A combination of Behavioural and psychotherapy is the best way to eliminate the symptoms of this disorder. Parental care is also the key factor that helps the child to develop better social skills.
Conduct Disorder:
It is the behavior in which a child displays an anti-social attitude. Disobeying rules and commands. Children having conduct disorders are considered Bad kids.
Following are symptoms of Conduct Disorder.
- Refuse to obey rules and orders from an authority figure
- Showing aggression by involving in verbal or physical fights
- Constantly Lying
- Having a criminal mindset like stealing things, vandalize properties
- Bullying and animal cruelty
Causes of Conduct Disorder:
There are multiple factors behind Conduct disorder like head injuries & Genetics but the social and environmental factors may contribute more to develop this disorder.
A traumatic life event, parent’s rejection, child abuse, exposure to violence, and several other social problems.
Treatment of Conduct Disorder:
There are multiple treatment options available to treat Conduct disorder. Medications are used in severe cases of this disease. Besides medications a cognitive behavior therapy in which a child learns to deal with abnormal behavior, handling stress, and develops a better communication behavior. Family therapy also helps to control this disorder.
Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
Oppositional defiant disorder is a type of disorder in which a child shows a pattern of being angry, defiant, uncooperative, and hostile towards any authoritative figure, like arguing and disobeying and talking behind their back.
The symptoms of Oppositional Defiant Disorder consist of
- Arguing a lot with the authority figure
- Have an angry mood
- Easily annoyed by others
- Blaming others for his/her mistakes
- Seeking revenge
- Deliberately annoyed
- Try to upset others
- Saying hateful words
Causes of Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
The actual cause of ODD is still unknown but genetics, environmental or biological factors may be the possible reasons behind ODD. The biological factors behind ODD are the possibility of having brain injury or improper working of neurotransmitters.
Besides biological factors, there are chances of developing it through genes. It is observe that children with ODD genes have a family history of this disorder. Environmental factors are also the reasons for ODD like children may suffer from defective family life, abuse, or lack of supervision which may prove to be the developmental stage of this disorder.
Treatment of ODD:
Before the treatment of this disorder, there are various factors that need to be consider like child age, the severity of the symptoms, and his condition to respond in the therapeutic session. Check the best ocd center.
ODD is treat with a combination of medications and behavioral therapies. A child is treated with medications in severe cases of ODD, the medicine typically prescribed as Antidepressant, Antipsychotic and stimulant medicine.
Besides medications, a session of behavioral therapy can work better, in which developing the parent-Child relationships with the help of parent training programs.
This training helps to build up a better interaction between parents and the child which ultimately results in the better behavior and emotional improvement of the Child.
Final Words
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